Picture of the Day!

Picture of the Day!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thinking about visiting Japan?

Takoyaki Museum Odaiba, Tokyo Japan

TAKOYAKI IS: Spherical, fried or baked dumpling made from batter, octopus, gari, konnyaku, and scallions.  Typically made in a special pan made of cast iron with hemispherical molds.

Let me introduce you to....
This winter I went to Japan for the fourth time and went to the Odaiba Takoyaki Museum.
Being a takoyaki fan I was so excited to see what kind of takoyaki flavours they had.

This was one of the stands that sold takoyaki.
There were takoyaki with fish roe, plain, salt, onion, a special soup formula takoyaki, and of course the original.

This one is the one I got with the original on the left bottom, onion on the right bottom with sauce, and crunchy takoyaki. All together was around $11.00 Canadian. Trust me its cheap and worth it.
There are many things to do there. Here are some of the things you could do!

Amazing displays to take pictures with

A shrine! Make a wish for the Takoyaki Kamisama!

Around the museum are other attractions which I'll share with you later!

Friday, January 20, 2012

おめでとう Congratulations!

Hello everyone
This is my first blog post! 
I'm super excited to show you tips on fashion and make-up and anything you can think of.

Let me introduce myself a little bit.
I'm Hyunji and I'm currently 20 years old.
I'm originally from Vancouver but I moved to Toronto recently.
I hope you guys will follow me and give me suggestions for me to put up on my blog.